Project: Rube the Mech Author: Mark Carew Created: 2024-02-12 17:09:44 Last Modified: 2024-02-13 21:04:02

descriptionProject Details: Rube the Mech

This elaborate Rube Goldberg machine takes a simple concept of making toast and turns it into an entertaining and complex process. It's essential to ensure that each step in the machine is carefully designed, with the right timing and connections. Building this machine may require some trial and error to get everything working seamlessly, but the end result will be a fantastic contraption that toasts your bread with the first light of day

Materials and Components:

  • A window or opening that receives direct sunlight at sunrise.
  • A solar panel to detect sunlight.
  • A small motor.
  • A platform for the bread.
  • A conveyor belt.
  • A toaster.
  • A lever.
  • A series of dominos.
  • A balloon.
  • A pin.
  • A marble.
  • A small pan with water.
  • A heating element (for the pan).
  • A system to trigger the toaster (e.g., a button or lever).

The Machine's Operation:

  • Sunrise Detection: Place the solar panel facing the sunrise so that it can detect the first rays of the morning sun. The solar panel is connected to the small motor.
  • Motor Activation: When the sun rises and the solar panel detects light, it triggers the motor to start turning.
  • Domino Effect: The turning motor's shaft is connected to a lever. As the motor turns, the lever is raised.
  • Domino Cascade: The lever, when raised, releases a set of dominos placed in a line. These dominos create a chain reaction.
  • Balloon Pop: At the end of the domino chain, place a balloon in such a way that the last falling domino knocks a pin into the balloon, causing it to pop.
  • Marble Release: As the balloon pops, it releases a marble placed within it. The marble rolls down a tube.
  • Water Release: The rolling marble triggers a mechanism that releases a small amount of water from a container into a small pan.
  • Heating Element Activation: The small pan is positioned over a heating element. As the water is released into the pan, the heating element is turned on, creating steam.
  • Conveyor Belt Start: The rising steam activates a mechanism that starts a conveyor belt.
  • Bread Placement: As the conveyor belt starts moving, it carries a slice of bread onto the platform.
  • Toaster Activation: The platform, now positioned under the toaster, is connected to a system (e.g., a button or lever) that activates the toaster when it reaches the desired position.
  • Toast & Enjoy: The toaster toasts the bread, and when it's done, the toast is ready to be enjoyed just as the sun fully rises.


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